Monday, August 11, 2008

OCWEN Mortgage Loan Servicing, LLC RIP OFF SCAM artists

I hate dealing with Ocwen Mortgage. I guess that is a mild understatement. Ocwen bought my mortgage 1 1/2 years ago and it has been nothing but headaches and BS since then. My mortgage has went up twice, without notification and they have messed up my escrow now. We are behind by my choosing, because of the escrow. There is $1024.35 that Ocwen got from us but can't seem to tell us where that money went and/or why. I have done the math and it doesn't work. I changed my insurance company in March to lower my payments. I was paying $4800.00 a year for homeowner's insurance and now I'm paying $2605.00. (Ocwen mailed out payments to both and I am fighting to get the money back from the insurance company that I cancelled with.) Also, my homestead exemption kicked in as of Jan 1st 2008. I called and guess what? They hadn't applied it to my mortgage. I fought like hell to get it in place. (2 months time, BTW.) My payment should have gone down by close to 600.00 a month. But, they called on Friday to inform me now that my mortgage payment has gone up, ironically the exact amount of money that I saved via insurance and taxes to the penny. LOL. Also, to inform me that they don't pay my taxes, although they have for 2 years and it is in my contract that I make one payment, which includes prin+int+ins+taxes. They state that they have paid my taxes to date simply as a courtesy. LOL. A courtesy? How about this, per my contract? They did not have the original contract in front of them and the girl tried to start bullying me. LOL. I don't bully easily. It's simply not worth it to me. Now they have called 26 times since July the 1st and 50% of the time when they hear my voice they hang up. You can hear the typing in the background. LOL. They did call and asked for my husband, and he says 'My wife handles all of the finances.' I kept them on the phone for 49 minutes yelling at them and asking them to get it together. That was pointless. Here is the other funny thing, I am NOT on the loan, I am strictly on the title. Yet, they report it late on MY credit. ILLEGAL!!!! I did not sign, not one document in regards to the loan, my husband did. I have spent so many hours dealing with them and have yet to speak to the same person twice. There is always a different story. I refuse to submit to them and I refuse to allow myself to be ripped off any longer. I am trying to find an attorney who will help start a class action suit. It seems that this needs to be done. Although after much research I realize that the courts usually side with Ocwen. Ocwen makes sure that the venues get changed to where there are more favorable judges (my guess judges that own stock or being paid on the side, it's sad but this is our country.) I have resolved myself to letting go of the property and letting them lose money on their investment. Currently, we owe $326,000. The house is valued at $250,000 in this market. My husband and myself have realized that the stress from dealing with Ocwen isn't worth our health or happiness. Quite honestly, it pleases me to no end that they will lose money in excess amounts. LOL. I have gotten to the point where I actually make fun of the people when they call me. LOL. I know it sounds childish but when you are dealing with them and can't get a straight answer or speak to somebody that speaks ENGLISH, I'm kind of left with little else, except wait for them to foreclose. Which I am doing. I love my house very much but not at the expense of my family. Ocwen's stock has been on a steady decline for about a year and a half. Sound familiar? That was when they took over my loan. My advice to all or some, is simply this: let go. Let Ocwen suffer the loses. I have given up on the fact they will help the situation or fix their problems and I'm NOT going to pay them another red cent. They can kiss my a**. :-) I believe in a matter of time the government will step in and Ocwen will lose their a**es. I will try and find an attorney in the meantime to try and help us out of this pickle, even bankruptcy. If and when I find an attorney that is willing to help ALL of us out and away from Ocwen, I will post his/her name for all of you and every site that I can. I would rather an attorney make money than them. If any of you get an attorney that is willing to handle this, please post their name for others. I wish you all well and hope that you all get away from Ocwen. I read that somebody called them The Mortgage Mafia. LOL. How true. Remember this, it's just a house. It's not worth you or your happiness or your family's health or happiness. It is simply a material possession that can be replaced. Let Ocwen suffer the losses, not you. Life sucks as it is right now don't let them make it worse. Take Care.
Clearwater, FloridaU.S.A.


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