Sunday, November 30, 2008

FEDMOD.COM - FLM - Federal Loan Modification Been ignored by your mortgage company (OCWEN) try hiring a lawyer for real abuse Los Angeles California

After $1500 and three weeks of being ignored still nothing has happened with our loan modification . In fact this company called me last Tuesday to ask if they could process the remainder of the payment (another $1500) 28oct08 of course I asked what was happening with our modification and no one knew what was happening . I told Daniel Geffen ( the man that told me fed mod was a group of lawyers ) { what he meant to say is they are a group of liars } well they took the money from my bank account after being told the money was not there . I was notified Wednesday by my bank that I was $500 over drawn. I then attempted to contact Fedmod several phone calls and no one returned any calls (all I get is voice mail) I was first told Cindy was my case worker . I found a message on my home phone from Cindy . I tried to call back when I got home ( I guess it was too much trouble to call my cell since I am not home in the daytime ) of course she never returned my call . Now after Daniel processed an unauthorized payment I made several attempts to contact someone at Fedmod I finally got a hold of June. She told me my money would be returned .(June has been the only person at Fedmod to actually return a call). June first put me in touch with Jeff Brotton . He called me on Thursday after I still had not received repayment . He told me that my money would be processed that day and He was going to talk to the mortgage company this afternoon and would be in touch afterwards He even gave me his cell # of course he never called back Friday morning I still had not received the payment reversal . Now I was told by Jeff that my case worker was Taren and was given her number . She has never called me . Now Monday after several calls to Jeff Brotton which were never returned . It has now been a week since the unauthorized withdrawal several phone calls to June finally 3pm my money was returned . Now I still have my mortgage company crawling on my back so what is happening with my case? No one knows ! I have since called the California State Bar (fedmod is supposed to be a group of lawyers) surprise!!! they are not registered with California. But I don't really care and shouldn't matter since my finance company is in Florida. but anyway California State Bar told me to look up fedmod or Federal Loan Modification at the Better Business Bureau …Guess what surprise they have a D rating urging CAUTION when doing business with them. I did a search before I gave them any money …of course they have only been operating for 6 weeks so here I am warning you about them . Oh and why did I hire attorneys to deal with my mortgage company ?? Look up OCWEN….and remember my complaint is not in there since there are so many complaints I figured it would be another waste of time … one will read all 1500 complaints (and counting)
Michael Valley Springs, California U.S.A.


Ocwen Loan Servicing Escalated payments, failed to credit payments or credited late, refused payments while in forebearance negotiaions

Ocwen Loan Servicing Escalated payments, failed to credit payments or credited late, refused payments while in forebearance negotiaions, then wants $150,000 extra

Ocwen takes the prize for most dishonorable company, and we want a class action suit against them! Anybody game?We have tried to keep up payments, but with an ARM, this became impossible, as our rate went to 11%. Additionally, there were always late fees, even though we paid on time. Finally my husband filed for bankruptcy, and reached a verbal agreement with Ocwen on what our payment would be.But the very next payment was sent back as not being the correct amount, but no one could tell us what that amount should be. We started the very long process of trying to reach someone on the phone who could tell us, with hold times anywhere from 30 minutes to 2+ hours. Many times we were told someone would call, but when 'they' did, it was a recording. Finally we got to talk to 'Ganesh'.We reached an agreement and were told the papers would be sent in the mail, and not to make a payment until we could send it with the new contract. Many calls later, still no papers, but still told not to pay. Foreclosure papers came. More calls, told not to worry, just a formality, don't pay. Second set of foreclosure papers came. Got an attorney. Almost a year later, got the papers, but amount now owed is about $150,000 more than our original mortgage - all sorts of fees and interest due to not paying for a year. We TRIED to pay all year, but were told not to by Ganesh. Amount is more than we could ever hope to refinance, so no hope of getting away from this crazy company even if we can pay the exorbitant amount they demand. After reading all the rip-off reports on them, I don't trust them anyway.We're serious about the class action suit. I've only hit the highlights of our problems with them.
Meg Burleson, Texas U.S.A.


Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ocwen Ocwen reporting late to Credit Bureau so no modification to loan?

Ocwen calls me 15- 20 times a day starting with the day loan payment is due until it is paid. Doesn't matter about the grace period. The fact that they start calling me the first of the month and so many times during the day ticks me off. Now when I call for modification they tell me I can afford the payment every month even thous I have sent them all the info they asked for proving I cannot. They are telling me to let it be late and then they can help me after 3 months. I tell them what will you do to my credit and they say it will have to be reported to the Credit Bureau. Today I find out they have reported me late and I have never been late. I want to refinance but now this fictious late payment is keeping me from being able to refinance and get the hell away from them! I would be more than willing to join a class action lawsuit. Besides I am sick and tired of trying to communicate with people who cannot speak English!!!!
CarlaPeoria, ArizonaU.S.A.


Monday, November 24, 2008

Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC Ocwen caused our property to go to Sherrif Sale, screwed up our Escrow & should be accountable.

Our problems with Ocwen began as soon as they took over our mortgage from Met West, Inc. We had no problems before then. Met West sent us a letter stating that nothing would change, just the payments would be made to Ocwen, now.Not so. We noticed that with the first payment they received, no escrow amount was taken out. When it happened again the second month, I called and was told that our loan did not have an escrow account...which I was able to disprove with our original loan documents. They ended up changing things..and implemented the escrow again..but right away we were told of the escrow shortages, and how our payments would go up to reflect those shortages. now a piece of land that was originally $262 per month (escrow included) was now going up over $100 per month. We dealt with that. For the two years...all seemed fine. Until my husband was reading the newspaper and saw our piece of property up for Sherriff Sale for non payment of taxes. We were floored, because our school and real estate tax bills were sent directly to Ocwen for payment, our mortgage payments were paid, and paid on what reason did they have for not paying? We of course paid the tax bill & further researched to find they hadn't paid the school taxes, either. So now they are supposed to reimburse us for the real estate taxes we paid out of pocket and also have to pay the two years school taxes...and after they did, my mortage went up to almost $500 per month! They said there were again, escrow shortages..and up the payments went again! We can't understand...we are paying, they are putting aside & not why do we have to again pay MORE?!! Fast forward a few years...and obviously we were having trouble paying a mortage that had doubled from the original loan (not adjustable, fixed 10%)Even when we pay a payment on time, they hold it until they can charge a late fee....We've been threatened with foreclosure when barely two months late, have been forced into a forebearance agreement that is unfair. (They give 10 days from date of letter to contact a lawer, yet you receive said letter 7 days after said 3 days enough to have attorney review?!)As of now, they claim negative escrow balances at the beginning of each year, but take much more than what is needed to pay a $1200 real estate tax bill and a $155 property tax bill. They take $199.44 monthly = $2393.28.What happens to the remaining $1038.28 per year???!!!! I just demanded an escrow history...which of course will cost us more money..and we are having a financial expert look over every piece of paper I have from Met West to Ocwen. The long & short of it...Ocwen is a total Rip-Off..thanks Ripoff Report!
Pocono Saylorsburg, PennsylvaniaU.S.A.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ocwen Financial Bank Threathening, hang-up argumentative scaring me to a nervous break down Orlando Florida

Just to say that I have been ripped off by this company. In making me think that I have been three to four months paying my Mortgage and them adding on interest after interest on my payments. after turning it into a complete lie that I was only 10 days late for a Mortgage payment
. And having them daying that since I was late 3 to 4 month that they put me into almost fore closesure. I was so up-set that I almost had a nervous break down thinking that I was going to lose my home because of there mistake. I went to the action housing and file a report with them and they said to file a Chapter 13. Which I did. I was on it for 5 years starting 2003 till this year..Now I am off of it. But I still have to go back to this ugly company and pay the rest of the Morgage off and I know t hat they are going to give me trouble. and I don't want to go through that again.They would not give me a chance to pay the payments and that th ety wanted there money right now. They were nasty, threathening me, very aruguementative, would not listen for am explanation. then in the end they just started adding on the interest after interest. Which lead me to Chapter 13. All because of this bad corporation, which needs to be taken down and put away in jail for the all of there corruption. thank you for listening.
JaxsongPittsburgh, Pennsylvania U.S.A.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ocwen Financial Filed fraudelent credit report stating they forclosed on me and they refuse to fix it. They got paid there money, but won't admit it.

This company bought my son's loan from Ameriquest. I was the co-signer. When Ocwen got it all of a sudden I was the only signer. The property became involved in a legal battle with family and they illegally added their names to the deed. I no longer had legal rights and never got a dime of the piece of property. Wasn't even a mortgage. Ocwen told my son they would wait for the sale to go through, but threatened all the time. The sale went through, I got nothing. Ocwen because of false lien filing (filed on someone elses property) still reported on my credit that they foreclosed. I sent them a copy of the letter they sent me stating it was paid in full, I sent them a copy of the settlement statement stating it was paid in full and still they won't take it off my credit. Its like a personal vendetta against me, because I want to refinance and they want me to continue paying the price of their ignorant hate. They actually hate white people and women, I am both. That to me is discrimination and they should be held accountable for that. They are all from India and think they are the superior race. Business is supposed to be non discriminate. Their practices are very shady. If the government bailed them out, we know who the government prefers out of country businesses.
LaurieFallon, Nevada

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Ocwen ripoff steals money lies changes mortgage paper Olando florida

Ocwen bought my loan at a 7% rate i owed 80 thousand dollars on a house that was only worth about 50 thou but to get the loan they told me it was worth 90 thousand they did not do a good appraise on it she asked me question i was paying 650 a month then in 03 Ocwen boought my loan i did not pay to much attention to it i just had them to take the payment out of my account i was very ill (still am) and medicaial bills and credit bill student loans were piling up so i filed bankruptcy in 05 just on medical and credit cards the house and my daughter car was ok they will be paid on time went to court in Feb in april i notice Ocwen send me a pass due notice for march and April i called them and said what happen to my auto withdrawl they said no we can]t take the money out of your acount i said ok i will send you a check they said no we don't want your checks so and they said they need extra the late fees so i talked to a lady in may and she said send a cashier check and make them sign she was the only one who could speak good english and she said .so i did and i paid a month ahead they took the payment and kept a month and a half for their lawyer i said why i did not file bankr against you and he said prove it and laught so we did the next month they went up i said i have a fixed rated he said no you don't we make the rules the next month they went up again so now i am at 12% i have been fighting them for four year ..i was told (i dont know why you peoples buy house you can't afford. now they report i filed bankruptcy andand the called another credit and told them they are suppose to put that i filed bankruptcy and they said she didnt and he said you suppose to put it in your report so now my daughter credit is messed up her car was paid off but her credit is bad..the car people only reported it to one credit bur..all the rest they said good never late paid off.. i ask they why they listen to Ocwen and they hung up.. so now Ocwen take their sweet time applying my payment totheir books i pay over the interest and they say they did not get it they never gave me back my money and my lawyer proved to them i did not file against they stole more money and said it was for late charges now i am always 22 day late because with a ss check i can not afford a 900 dollar house note they said i owe 86,000 dollars and they do not have my loan papers they wanted me to fill out another one and i said no the Mortgage comp i had before i only owed 80 th.. they make their own rules lies and all..and they fired the lady for helping me she gave me this info i will not tell you her name but they do their employer bad to and c s have to be mean to the customs i proved everything and they want play ball
JoyceGary, Indiana U.S.A.

Monday, November 3, 2008

NCI Ocwen Harassment.. after paying the agreement settlement amount Alanta Georgia

I am on disablity, which means I live on a very limited income. I recently called this company {Ocwen} to try and settle the account. After explaining my situation to them and discussing possible payment arrangements.We agreed that if I paid them nine hundred dollars it would settle the account and they would close it and report the account closed to the credit agencies
.I did not have that kind of money, but I was able to borrow it from someone I knew. I sent them a cashiers check priority mail. I also included a letter with the check stating it was the settlement amount agreed upon and it would close the account, meaning the account was paid in full.They called the message number I agve them a few days later and informed me they received the check, but they wanted more money. I refused to pay them any more money and told them I was going to get legal help. Now they are calling the message number I left and harassing the person who lives there. It's a crime that companies like this can hassle people and cause them so much emotional and financial distress. I hope that every lawsuit against them is won and their company is forced to close for good.
JudyTillamook, OregonU.S.A.


Saturday, November 1, 2008

OCWEN Loan Servicing, LLC Stuck in the worst mortgage ever. They refuse to remodify. Can't refinance with anyone else Orlando Florida

I am stuck in what more than one person has stated to be 'the worst mortgage they have ever seen'. I refinanced with Fidelity in Charlotte N.C in April of 2007, by the way they are no longer there so I can't contact anyone. OCWEN got my mortgage somehow and I found out this year that my 30 year fixed which I was told by Fidelity turns out is a 50 year 5 year fix which I'm paying more than before I refinanced. This of course is my fault as I let the quick talking mortgage broker run too much.Anyway after finding out that I have this ridiculous mortage that I was also told I should have never been put in a 10% interest it should have been around 6% I of course tried to refinance....nobody will touch it. So I'm stuck paying a high mortgage with high interest and can't get out. My husband lost his job and now makes half of what he was, in October I will have to start repaying student loans and there is no way that this mortgage is going to work.After calling OCWEN many times and always speaking to someone in India, they will try and get away by when you ask where you are calling they say 'we have call centers in florida', but ask ...'no, where are you?' and they will tell you India. This company will pretend they will try and work with you. I spoke with a supervisor who I stated that I feel my terms of mortgage should be redone since I should have never been given this in the first place, he made me fax all my paperwork in and told me I would hear back in 5 days...okay 2 weeks later I have to recall only to be told that they see no reason for remodification since I'm not late and can pay. They then told me that I had to change my financial statement to say that my bills weren't so high and then they could 'work with me'. This is fraud and I let the gentleman know this, he said 'fine'. Well after lowering my bills and still not hearing back...2 weeks later called again only to be we will not modify, you can pay your mortgage. I have yet to receive any letter denying my modification request. I spent alot of time faxing information when they had no intention on ever helping. I asked them if they were waiting for me to lose my house before they would help but after reading posts on them I don't think they would even help then.I'm stuck and don't know which way to go....I'm thinking on selling the house but I probably won't make enough to cover what I owe on the mortgage and there is a $6,000. early pay off. If someone has any advice that has dealt with this company please let me know.
Callecoco Inverness, FloridaU.S.A.


TopDot Mortgage,Ameriquest,Option One,Countrywide,Amc,montgomery Mortgage ,ames Home Loans

TopDot Mortgage, ocwen Loan Servicing, Montgomery Mortgage, ameriquest, option One Mortgage, there Are So Many That Screwed Us!!! Countrywide, Amc, montgomery Mortgage There Are So Many.... ames Home Loans, We stand to lose our home because of the unfair and dirty loan practices of the companies above Calabass California

It's plain and simple we had to refinance to get a more reasonable payment so that we could save ourselves from foreclosure...Apparently It meant nothing to the mortgage banks and brokers above that we have children and live paycheck to paycheck.We would tell our story about how we got screwed by all of these companies to basically every company that was calling us and urging us to refinance.We believed what they were saying because we figured that they knew more than we did when it came to refinancing and getting out of foreclosure.They lied to us It was nothing but the bait and switch when it would come to the closing...we would sign all the papers as we were told to do and also told that our loan would not be sold again...We must have been with the closing mortgage company probably not even a week before they sold our loan to someone else and then the monthly payment suddenly would change as did the rate! Due to that fact once the mortgage company changed we had already sent our payment to them and because the payment did not get to the new mortgage company on time we would end up getting late fees which we did not deserve because our loan was not to have been sold in the first place!! Now we are with countrywide because we were sold to them we were told that we had a principle and interest loan payment for 30 years at a fixed rate of 7% and then we come to find out that we were lied to and we only have a 2 year fixed loan it is interest only so all the money we have paid has not done anything to bring down the loan amount from 318,000 and once it goes adjustable we will wind up having to pay 4000.00 a month as our monthly mortgage payment!!!! That is unbelieveable to think that these companies would do these things to people who trust them to do the right thing...we were lucky to get out of foreclosure because our mom and aunt gave us 5,757.93 which they did not have....and now the new bill for april is here and we owe once again 2,900.00 which is completely unaffordable to us!Countrywide is where we are now and they themselves refuse to help us lower our payments telling us that we dont even qualify for an fha loan that you have to make at least 60,000 a year and because of our late payments it puts us in a bad light....of course our credit was ruined by these shyster companies every time they would check our credit score they would pull it more times than necessary and that would make our credit score go down...This is just completely unfair I think that these companies should have to pay for what they have done to us as well as others who trusted them i think that they should be sued and or given jail time because they stole from consumers by deceiving them...theft by deception is a crime!I am willing to go soooo public with this answer any questions anybody might have I also find it interesting that once you close you can never contact the broker you were working with before the closing ever again!!! I tried contacting someone from topdot names andrew left him a message on his cell letting him know of our difficulties and that we stand to lose our home because of his and his companies unlawful mortgage practices and he never called me back which i expected would happen they are only interested in your money not helping you at all!!!
Raven GARWOOD, New JerseyU.S.A.


Litton Loan Servicing, Fairbanks, Temple Inland Mortgage, OCWEN, Wells Fargo, Option One, Homeside, Countrywide, but ALL Predatory Lenders FRAUD!

This is not just about Litton Loan Servicing, it's about the criminal business actions of the majority of the lending companies today. Litton Loan Servicing, Fairbanks, Temple Inland Mortgage, OCWEN, Wells Fargo, Option One, Homeside, Countrywide, I could go on for days listing company names. They are ALL alike in their business transactions. End result to the consumer - FORECLOSURE.Come on FEDS WAKE UP! Who will be the first to bring these giants down? This is happening right under the noses of our own government! Is there no one on the take here? If I can find the needle in a haystack(one HONEST politician) who will be brave enough to take a stand and know when ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Hardworking Americans are being forced into the foreclosure. The American Dream is being stolen away from the average Joe working class by big money conglomorates that feed off of unsuspecting tax payers.This FRAUD MUST end!
Ann AAkron, OhioU.S.A.
