Wednesday, December 10, 2008


After reading many of the reports filed on this site, it has come to my attention that it is time the home owners should file a class action suit against this company. I too have had the same problems as many of you that have already reported. We were given to Ocwen when Aegis Mortgage Company filed Bankruptcy. We were on a forebearance program and then in November were sent a letter to bring the account current, that we would longer be on the forebearance program. The first certified letter came November 16 with a demand payment by December 16. Then we get a second certified letter dated November 19 with a demand payment for 1/2 the payment of the November 16 letter to be made by December 16. Then we get a third certified Demand letter December 17 demanding payment by January 17 with the same amount of money due (adding $5.21 more to the payment) that was due in the November Letter. We are current with our payments. We have proof of this. So what they are trying to pull, just does not make sense and to reach them by phone is a nightmare. To email them, you are really lucky if you get a reply of which they claim they will replay to you within 15 days. Whoop tee doo!! According to the Govenment Pamphlet on Fair Credit Practices, Section 805, clearly states that frequent calling (of which no one is on the other line either) is a form of Harrassment and is illegal. Well, with reading all the reports that have been given on this web site, maybe it is time that a class action lawsuit be filed to wake the company up. Oh, by the way, when they outsource to third world companies, and then ask for my social security number, are they crazy!!!! There is no way in 'Gods Green Earth' I am going to give anyone outside the United States my Social Security Number. I contacted my attorney and she said we have a great case. Maybe someone should put their money where their mouths are and prove to others that they honor what they say on their Web site. Do I have any takers. If you are interested in going with me in a class action law suit, please contact me through this web site and I will find a way that we can all communicate to get one started. I will watch this site daily to see how many people are really serious about starting the procedure. Without you there will be no releif for so many of us and more in the future.
Carl Sacramento, CaliforniaU.S.A.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My MIL is 78 years old and has her mortgage with Ocwen. She was put into a subprime loan with a payment of about $800 on an $1100 monthly income. She borrowed about $70,000 and has paid more than $12,000 in fees through refis.

In the last refi, which she was charged $6000 in fees, they appraised her home for $110,000. In the year following, not a single home in her area has sold for more than $60,000.

The three appraisal comps used were all property flips, homes bought for $50-$60K and flipped a few months later with a coat of fresh paint for $110-120K.

Now I have an elderly mother in law who must make a choice between food, electricity and medicine (of course we do not let her freeze or starve), because she is in a mortgage she did not understand, should never have been qualified for, and owes more on her home than it is worth.

Any ideas, folks??