Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ocwen Loan Servicing How do I Join the Law suite? Orlando Florida


It started off just fine untile I got behind one month so I called to make payment arangements and they said I was behind two months! I said NO I'm not here is my payment records the lady on the other line my records were wrong, So being a good boy I fax them to her no change I was still wrong. So I made up the payment and went on several months later we had problems with money and I got behind again so this time they said I was three month behind !!
Are you kinding I was all caught up unitl yesterday when I missed this payment how could this be???? well ser you need to make this up or go into forecloser. Can put this at the end of my loan ? welll I'll look in to it.
so a day or so went by so I call and the guy on the line said no we can't but you can make large payments to make it up.( My payments are $1492.00 a month , over the phone he said $1622.09 now I got just the bill and it says $1777.57 what the hell are they pulling???)So tell me how I can join the law suite? My email is (((REDACTED FOR SECURITY PURPOSES)))
GeneCoupeville, WashingtonU.S.A.

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