Sunday, January 6, 2008

Ocwen Loan Servicing unexplained bogus fees i didn't sign up for, loosing pmts always saying im late, increase mortgage pmt on a fixed


Ocwen Loan Servicing unexplained bogus fees i didn't sign up for, loosing pmts always saying im late, increase mortgage pmt on a fixed rate loan Orlando Florida

Hi , I have been dealing with Ocwen for about 7 years and it has been hard in 2002 I had to file chapter thirteen but Ocwen was not under the chapter 13. I paid ocwen outside my chapter 13. i started receiving statements saying i owed them 1600.00 for payments not made i made the payments but at that time I had misplaced my Western Union receipt for my proof ( I know my fault) but i ended up adding the 1600.00 dollars on to my chapter 13 to keep them from foreclosing on my house. I made my chapt.13 pmts the were drafted from my pay check every payday. My attorney then informs me that ocwen sent in a petition and added a extra 800.00 more dollars I asked questions I attorney tried to contact them but of course they used the law against me to protect them they refused to talk or give any info pretaining to my account as long as i was under chapt.13. Now I have since been discharged for chapt.13 now ocwen has added alot of bogus charges such as Ocwen financial insider, foreclosure fees. Now I have been making my pmt on time i still use western union but i keep all my receipts now they have sent me a letter statting i am past dueas 12/21/07 3071.24. i don't know how thats possible but i know this company isn't right. if there anybody out there that can help me please come forward.Nikkimacon ga, GeorgiaU.S.A.

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