Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC - Ocwen Federal Savings Loan Modification Plan Demands Waiving All Rights of Recourse. Orlando Florida

Ocwen Loan Sevicing submitted an agreement to me that stipulated that I had to sign away all of my rights of recourse in order to obtain a'Loan Modification.'The legalese included that the agreement would affect 'your rights' and that signing the papers I acknowledged that I had the opportunity to obtain,'independent legal counsel concerning this Agreement.'This agreement for the loan modification if approved by Ocwen ,'will bind and inure to your heirs,executors,administrators, and assigns.' Why are they(Ocwen) adding this to force borrowers to submit to bogus loan modification and forebearance programs that only lead to foreclosure.These are bait and switch tactics that help fuel the mortgage crisis. Criminal is the only way to describe their actions.Any legal agencies out there that are willing to assist I would appreciate your assistance. This is an update on a previous filing March 2008.
Ripoff consumerMoreno Valley,


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Ocwen Stalling On Payoff We have been trying for 6 months to pay off Ocwen, 3 months were during the redemption period and they refuse to talk to us.

This whole mess started when my neighbor fell behind in payments on his land. He was turned over to Ocwen for collections. No notice was given to where his loan was and it took over 2 months to find out who had it when his payments were getting rejected. After getting the run around from Ocwen, transferring to different parts of the company and not able to get a hold of anyone we finally got in touch with a person in the redemption office. We requested a payoff quote and received it finally. Upon advice from our lawyer, we sat in his office on the due date and tried to contact Ocwen for transfer of funds and paperwork. They never called back and now a summons was posted on his door with eviction notice. The kicker is that we have tried to pay off the loan, but Ocwen is refusing to even talk to us.At this point we are not sure of what to do.
Thomas D.Morristown,


Monday, May 26, 2008

Ocwen Federal Bank Ocwen stoled my home of 10 years to make $20,000.00, they cost me my job. West Palm Beach Florida

03/94 I entered into a forbearance agreement with HUD. I was convinced by HUD and Lincoln Service Corp. that this was necessary. I was very confused why this was needed. The forbearance agreement would save me $18.35 per month and increase my purchase price from $42,900.00 to $43,000.00.
U.S. Dept. of HUD, Tampa Office รข€“ Region IV, 501 E. Polk St. #700, Tampa, FL. 33602.Loan Contact Kenneth St. John (800) 228-2839.Payments P.O. Box 105652, Atlanta, GA. 30348-5652.
05/30/95 HUD revised the forbearance agreement;Loan amount - $43,000.00 Monthly Payment - $300.00
04/97 HUD again revised the forbearance agreement;Loan amount - $43,000.00 Monthly Payment - $405.00.
10/97 HUD sold my mortgage to: Ocwen Federal BankLoan amount - $43,000.00 Monthly Payment - $405.00Ocwen Federal Bank1665 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. #350West Palm Beach, FL. 33401
04/98 Began receiving letters from Ocwen stating my loan was in default and they would attempt to collect the entire amount of the loan. I was not behind on any payments when the collections letters began. At this time, I began sending all payments through Western Union-Quick Collect so I would have documentation of payments made and received.
02/03/99Received Notice of Acceleration from Ocwen, demanding entire amount of $56,927.58 in full. Called the 1-800# provided in the letters, customer service, all they would tell me is the entire amount would need paid or they would foreclose. It took several phone calls to many numbers before someone agreed that only my regular payment was due, not the entire amount. Was informed the demand for payment in full was a computer generated letter sent to all customers. I consulted attorneys to assist in the threats they were making to take my home. The attorneys all wanted $1000.00 - $2000.00 up front with no guarantee. I did not have that kind of money and was afraid Ocwen would take my home.
05/04/99 Received another Notice of Acceleration from Ocwen, now demanding $57,040.08 in full. Again, I called many times before I could speak to someone who explained that only my monthly payments were required. I was not behind in payments when I received this notice.
06/11/99 Received a notice that July 1999 payment amount would be $15,670.19.Called, again I was told that this was a routine mailing, nothing to worry about, just continue making my regular monthly payment.
06/25/99 Ocwen's attorneys filed a suit against me; summons delivered in person on July 1st, demanding payment in full, $41,741.66 on principle and stating foreclosure of property.
07/01/99 Ocwen returned my June and July payments - $772.00.
07/99 Received letters from Ocwen demanding different amounts be paid or they would foreclose, one amount - $16,303.08. Several letters on their letterhead were not signed.
08/02/99 Ocwen returned my August payment - $572.00.
08/04/99 Tried again to find an attorney, with my limited resources. I could not find an attorney that understood the situation or was comfortable suing a bank. I sent a letter to Ocwen stating I was countersuing, claiming wrongful foreclosure, stating they had returned 3 payments in a row to purposely file foreclosure.
08/11/99 I sent a letter to Ocwen requesting information;When did my loan change from 9% to 10%, why and why wasn't I notified? Requested amortization statement, had never received one from Ocwen.. I wanted to know the exact application of my monthly payments.Information returned; 08/01/97 04/22/99 only $462.00 went to principle.
08/99 New forbearance agreement entered with Ocwen. They agreed to put back interest that accumulated, while HUD had my mortgage, to the rear of the loan, which made me current. They will accept my monthly payment and suits against each other would be canceled. I did not know until this time that the forbearance agreement with HUD was so damaging, that none of the money I paid HUD, $15,525.00, went toward my mortgage.
09/99 Ocwen again sent back my monthly payment, $400.00.
11/99 Ocwen sent me another letter of acceleration demanding; $19,650.00. After the above arrangements were made and they convinced me everything would be fine, I would not lose my home, they again began sending letters demanding huge amounts or I would lose my home.
12/01/99 Filed Chapter 13 to save my home. Payments of $250.00 made to; Terry Smith, Clerk of Court, Tampa, FL.
07/31/00 Chapter 13 hearing, resume payments to Ocwen, per court order.
09/12/00 Ocwen sent an acceleration notice, full amount due - $67,286.65.
10/04/00 Ocwen filed for mediation to resolve differences. I appeared as directed, no representative of Ocwen present. The hearing officer reschedule, again I attended but no one from Ocwen attended. The hearing officer dismissed the mediation, failure to attend by filing party, Ocwen.
10/13/00 Received new forbearance agreement from Ocwen stating $1000.00 down and monthly payments of $517.00 per month.
03/22/01 Court dismissed Chapter 13.
06/30/01 Met with manager of Bank of America to refinance my home and get away from Ocwen.Ocwen refused to cooperate and would not sell my mortgage to my bank.
09/21/01 Notice of intent to terminate forbearance agreement received from Ocwen, amount due,$6239.53.
11/09/01 Ocwen again filed foreclosure on my home demanding; $65,901.38.
12/06/01 Received another letter from Ocwen now demanding; $6952.68.
12/07/01 Filed another Chapter 13 to save my home. Again I could not afford an attorney to assist me with problems by this mortgage company. The attorneys I spoke to did not understand HUD purchased houses or what Ocwen was wrongfully doing.
07/09/02 Ocwen attempted to convince me to cancel the Chapter 13 and reinstate a forbearance agreement again. I refused because they had lied so many times and I did not trust them. Somehow, they convinced the court that they had the right to foreclose and the foreclosure sale of my home was scheduled.
08/02 I contacted an attorney to handle a Chapter 7, my 13 was converted to a Chapter 7.
They would not assist me with anything prior to the Chapter 7 because they would be entering after the fact and for liability reasons could not be involved with the circumstances of the past two years. In Florida you can keep your home when filing a Chapter 7, but since Ocwen prevented me from making payments, I was behind and did not qualify, and would lose my home.
05/03 Phone hearing to resolve Chapter 7 took place. Chapter 7 discharge set for June 2003.
09/03 Contacted the courts for copies of my discharge documents. It was not filed in June as scheduled, but they would file it now.
03/04 Received notification from Ocwen, stating the outstanding balance on my home of $41,268.77 is resolved with the Chapter 7 and fair market vale is $60,000.00. I was not provided a penny of equity even though I made 10 years of payments on my home.
All the stress and worry during the time Ocwen took over my mortgage caused problems in other areas of my life. I lost a lot of time from work for court appearances, etc. I worked for the State of Florida. I was terminated from my 15 year career job.
Ocwen stole my house from me after 10 years in my home. They caused me to lose my career job of 15 years, they ruined my credit and left me with nothing.
I am very interested in suing Ocwen for the damages they have caused me, loss of my home, my career & benefits lost. Ocwen should be held accountable for the damages they have caused us home owners. Several home owners only had a one time shot at home ownership and Ocwen ruined them for life. Thank you for listening.
LindaSavannah, GeorgiaU.S.A.


Saturday, May 17, 2008

Ocwen 800 # is in INDIA!

I have been trying to get Ocwen to modify my mortgage which is at 10.65% interest. Everytime I call I get the run around. One day out of conversation I asked where the peson was located. He and all others I've spoken to since have answered...'India'. What is this country doing to the AMERICAN people?I get calls all the time because I'm 1 day past my grace period. Nobody will help. There is over $100,000 in equity in my property which they are trying their hardest to take from me. I've put it on the market, it's prime real estate, but they won't give up!!!!EdwardPalm Bay, FloridaU.S.A.


Friday, May 16, 2008

OCWEN BANK Stool my home

Hi, My name is Janet Purdy, at 7866 Mansion House Crossing, Pasadena, Md. 21122, 410-437-5275 fell free to call me. Please read the whole story. I need HELP.Ocwen Bank has stopped every action for me to save home they used a trustee that came after me like it was personal. And since the buyers bought my home two times at auction the first time for 235.000.00 and the second time for 191.000 I am thinking Bierman,geesing, & ward the trustee had deal with Dave & Sharon Wuest the buyer. My home is worth 352.000.00, I will be only getting about 20.000.00 which the trustee is going hold until July, my family and I will be homeless by evction in about two weeks. Do to me being disabled I do NOT have money to move and we have no where to go Maryland has NO help for use the selters have waiting lists. I am also a widow since 2005 and I gave Ocwen every cent I had my payments where not appiled to my correctly.I am disabled; caring for her elderly mother with a heart problems moms 80 now and a special needs child and one child in school until June he's 15, all will suffer irreparable harm should this court allow Respondents to fraudulently move forward with their illegal eviction. This is only a small part of what happened to me there is much more to my story.And why is it the opening bid opened for less and less money? ILoan documents signed May5,2007 for refinance of my home with 1st Metroplitan mortgage this could have saved the home, but the TRUSTEE, Bierman, Geesing and Ward REFUSED to take the money to pay off the loan and the home went up for auction on May 8,2008. Notice of pending auction received eight days before aution byJanet Purdy. At that time the house was appraisaed at 350.000.00. Auction took place May 8,2008 the opening bid was 263.000.00 and sold this sale was RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED a Motion was filed for unclean hands the sale was recinded because of payment disputes.Loan documents where signed Sept.9,2007 my appraisal was done on Oct.1,2007 the home appraised at 352.000.00 payoff quote was faxed to SRI Mortgage on Oct.5,2007 from Ocwen. Some time in Oct.2007 my home was auctioned with an opening bid of 235.000.00 NO Notice was sent to me via by certified mail or first class mail on Oct.31,2007 Dave and Sharon Weust came to my home and handed me a one page note that they bought my home at the opening bid of 235.000.00 which was RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED my Motion for a Stay was not ruled on at that time. That auction was taken back, because of lack of service by the TRUSTEE, I was told my home was going to auction again in Jan,2008 it was on the auction list for Jan.,2008 at some point it was moved to Dec.28,2007.Loan documents where signed again with another Motrgage broker a payoff was requested from Ocwen but it was never sent to my broker which stopped the process for my refinance. Again NO Notice was sent to me about another auction the opening bid was 191.000.00 this time I was NOT notified by Certified Mail or by Dave and Sharon Weust until after the house went to settlement taking away rights I had to file a Motion or fight for my home. Which would be a violation of my rights.[In Violation of ]: The Fourteeth Amendment to the U.S.Constitution : 'No State shall...Deprive any person of liberty, or property, without due process of law'[Article 24 of the Maryland Declaration of Rights:] '[N]o man ought to be taken or imprisoned or disseized of his freehold, liberties or privileges, or outlawed,or exile, or in any manner,destroyed, or deprived of his life, liberty or property, but by the judgment of his peers, or by the law of the land.' I do not no where to go or what to do. My mental state is so bad I can't think any more, I did appeal the eviction but I don't think that will help and I aiso appealed to the speacial court of appeals but I don't think that will work. So I just keep packing I do not where I will put my stuff and I know I will lose my pets that I LOVE every much. I know I have failed myself and my family, Life is just not worth living any more.Thank You,
JanetPasdena, MarylandU.S.A.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Ocwen forclosed on never returned calls emails or physical mail

I had my mortgage with Option one, who sold it to Ocwen, got caught up in the ARM, could not keep up mortgage payments, so put house on market. Ocwen forclosed, house will be auctioned off on 7/1/08. I tried to contact ocwen numerous times, by phone, email and physical mail after they started forclosure. They never replied, would be on hold for hours at a time when tried to call. Anyways, their terrible service cost me my house.Given up
Cranston, Rhode IslandU.S.A.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

OCWEN FINANCIAL Ocwen proves that bankruptcy is not just for the down and out anymore

Ocwen Financial was not selected by my escrow company when I bought my house in Portland OR January 1997. If I has known what I do now I would have insisted on another company. 1. Ocwen accepted only 50% of my bank draft payments and charges late fees for the ones they didn't collect. 2. No one at Ocwen could be reached. Of the dozens of timers I tried to call customer they put me on hold for hours, once for 5 hours and then disconnected me. Customer service had only stock answers read from a script. 3. Web site was continuously 'down' closed for upgrading etc. 4. Finally I when gained the email of the corporate executive he gave me to number of the 'ombudsman' Dept ('there to help me) and the financial office which offered to redo my loan for an extra 5,000 down and 10,000 more than the original. Meanwhile unknown to me, Ocwen was in the process of forclosure. When I found out. I called the there-to-help-me-Ombudsman and gor chewed out by an officious person named Rowanda. 5. I found out, through my attorney, that the only way to save my house is to go through bankruptcy. 6. Then I learned that even after I have satisfied the terms of the bankruptcy, Ocwen may still dun me for money. 6. Now, I am filing for chapter 13 and giving up my house even though I am solvent and have always been able to pay my bills! 14 Proving bankruptcy is not just for the down and out anymore. Thanks to Ocwen corporate greed and the administration that blames foreclosure on the mortgage paying victims. PS A little added note about 1800 HOPE: Rowanda works for them too; expect to be treated like a naughty 5 year old.
MizzpawPortland, OregonU.S.A.


Friday, May 9, 2008

Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC totally horrified i had no ideal companies like this exist my mortgage was sold to Ocwen 2t years ago I was injured i

Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC totally horrified i had no ideal companies like this exist my mortgage was sold to Ocwen 2t years ago I was injured in the US Army and underwent major surgery affecting me to this date I was just entering into my second month of a late payment when Ocwen called me threatening to foreclose on me I explained my situation to one of their agents and sent my payment in my check was sent back with a Orlando Florida


Ocwen is a horrible company to deal my mortgage was sold to them 2t years ago I was injured in the US Army and underwent major surgery causing complication to this date. I entered into my second month of delinquency I was able to get a money order in the mail to Ocwen and it was sent back to me stapled to a financial report demanding that I complete this form so I did and at the same time I was called and asked a million questions over the telephone and was told oh you can afford a much higher mortgage payment I can complete a foreberance for you with an escrow and at the end of the 12 month foreberance you mortgage payment will reduce back to the original amount and you will have cash in you escrow. So I went for it and noticed after I paid 2500.00 down on this foreberance I still continued to get statements with late fees, attorney's fees, search title fees and the list goes on and I checked the bureau and my payment history was a mess I was reported over 30. 60. and 90 days late on my moetgage history so I called Ocwen only to get someone I could not understand there was a language barrier and he would not put anyone else on the telephone. I CALLED BACK AND GOT SOMEONE TO TELL me a mass of lies. after the 12 month foreberance period I was sent another financial form to be completed and 2 options, a repayment plan or listing my property for sale consequences loss of prperty, Damaged credit rating, deficiency liability, and tax ramifications. I was never given an answer as to where all my extra money went Ocwen could not produce a itimized bill and to this date Ocwen is trying to raise my mortgage payment again and force me to complete another financial report what can I do they has scared my credit and lowered my scores to the point were I cannot get a refi nor a new mortgage therefore i'm stuck with no way out what can a man do when he is striped of all his rights and dignity.
Hankhaskell, OklahomaU.S.A.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Ocwen Loan Servicingocwen Federal Bank false information on all three credit reports Orlando Florida

David a xxxxxxnitro,
West VirginiaU.S.A.


Ocwen Federal Loan Servicing Company Threatened With Foreclosure when I'm Not Even Behind Payments Orlando Florida


ocwen has sent me a modification agreement to my Loan for me to sign, if i agree to sign it i give up all my rights to pursue anything from them but if i dont sign it i could be forced into forecloser on, based on prior servicer fees,previous bankruptcy expenses and legal expenses they are charging me . I'm not behind on any payments nor have any been missed,I have called them many times and it doesn't do any good,calls are rerouted to a call center in india,where you get someone you can't understand, and you get no where. They tell you their research team will get back to you and it could take up to 15 days.Why is this Company allowed to Operate in this Country and where is the Goverment to protect it's people from wolves like just goes to show you the little people have noone to stick up for them.
Darlapoplar bluff, MissouriU.S.A.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Ocwen Ripping Off Seems To Be A Pattern Here?! ripoff Orlando Florida


Seems like a pattern here with all the complaints about ocwen, I simply did a search for 'ocwen' on google and the number two spot is this website, WoW.Looks like a good law firm would be making toast out of this ocwen bunch. My story is like the rest, need I say more. If there has been anything good come of this or any positive reports please let me know. email me. Thanks, Jeff