Friday, December 7, 2007

Kweku Hanson Breaks Silence

A very kind friend of mine sent me an email just the other day, with a link to 'Donna's' post above and a query: 'Kweku, have you seen this one?' Well, I had NOT, so I read it with dismay, then logged in, and read with diminishing disbelief Donna's post, and the subsequent post from my very own dear friend Robin.I have posted elsewhere online (if I were to identify the link, this rebuttal might not get posted, per this website's policy) on this very subject, and I am exasperated to do so again. However, these posts constrain me to respond now:Anyone who truly know me (and I was quite certain that I could count Robin among them), knows that I have NOT made ONE DIME off this Ocwen litigation (actually, I take that back: I received NOT MORE THAN $450 in donations from supporters, of whom Robin alone contributed more than half that amount). Conversely, I have spent over $45,000 out of pocket to duplicate the hundreds of affidavits and thousands of emails received from other Ocwen victims nationwide, who continue to groan and suffer under the oppression of Ocwen's pernicious piracy. I nearly wrecked my law practice (and livelihood) devoting thousands of hours to just obsessively fighting Ocwen.I REJECTED personal settlement offers worth hundreds of thousands of dollars because, as I shared with selected victims, this would leave then on their own and holding the bag, and I would have singlehandedly benefitted from all their powerful, agonizing emails which have struck some degree of fear and concern in Ocwen's execs. Having NEVER been in this fight for self-profit (heck, I could have made TENS OF THOUSANDS in legal fees suing Ocwen on behalf of other victims, versus remaining on as lead plaintiff. For those who are uninformed: lead plaintiffs get a TOKEN bonus -- maybe $5,000 if they are lucky. Any intelligent critic who REALLY believes that I am in this fight for $5,000 or even $10,000, raise your hand!We opposed sending the Ocwen cases out of Connecticut, because I correctly anticipated that once they left Connecticut, I could be sidelined, and could no longer influence the tempo and ferocity of the legal fight against Ocwen and its cohorts. Since we traveled to Chicago to OPPOSE a quick global settlement discussions proposed by Ocwen (these are all in the public records and transcripts), I have NOT been in the loop of information. All I known, like most of the other victims, is that 'discussions' are ongoing.As a LAWYER, I have to restrain myself, and NOT publicly disclose whatever confidential information may have been leaked to me. So I have encouraged other, recent, victims who have contacted me about this heart-wrenching larceny, that I am now effectively muzzled and rendered less potent, and that they must seek their own legal representation. I cannot (and am not right doing so right now) publicly advocate that every person duplicate our legal complaint which is widely available online and bring their own class action or individual lawsuit against Ocwen. If folk reach that conclusion on their own, all the better. What I have done is embed in my email replies to the dozens of victims who continue to email me weekly, URL links to Yahoo's OCN message boards; to, and to other Ocwen-related websites, etc.I am also cautious and reticient about liberally posting, because a whole 'Mother of all Lawsuits' againt another mortgage predator got tossed (and is now costing ME a bundle to singlehandedly appeal to the 2nd Circuit) precisely because my frequent postings at THIS and other websites were invoked by that predatory servicer as a reason to put that case on hold . . .ANYONE, fiend, fRiend, or foe alike, who wishes to disparage me, can feel free --- this is a free society and I cherish the constitutional right to free expression as much as most folk. What I do not appreciate is folk posting disparaging, UNTRUE, uninformed comments about me.Donna (assuming you are a true victim of Ocwen and not just some shill from among its employees in Florida), and anyone else who wants to join the 'tar-and-feather' chorus: I am not thin-skinned, and can take any verbiage (true or false). However, just remember that the real target is Ocwen, and that the OFFICIAL FEDERAL COURT RECORDS make abundantly clear how eager [or not] I have been to get in bed with Ocwen. Don't take my word for it - check it out yourself, and then ASK: How many other victims of such a monolithic dragon as Ocwen would dare post their real full name; appear on national TV without face and voice disguised; and spend thousands of dollars to openly fight Ocwen? And you really think that I relish being lead counsel???????? Ha!

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