Friday, December 7, 2007

Robin: Enough is ENOUGH! Have the last word!

Robin:I do not know what your agenda is. You have NEVER been an Ocwen victim (or a victim of any other mortgage fraud whatsoever). I took you (and about 3 other folk whom I 'met' online) into my closest confidences. Aside from Marlene from Florida (who IS an Ocwen victim), I doubt that I took any other person so closely into my trust.I do not know what has made you turn spiteful. I do not CARE any longer what has made you turn downright detestful. I think it is a crying SHAME that you are now using this forum to bash me so baselessly and deeply discourage other victims.LISTEN UP, BECAUSE THIS IS BEGINNING TO IRK ME (if that was your secret agenda, then congrats, you succeeded in plucking my nerves): I have NEVER wavered from my determination to expose Ocwen and halt its piracy.In Chicago (as I confidentially told you at the time), Judge Norgle told me to 'sit down' when I sought to be heard AFTER my lawyers had spoken on my behalf, because it became clear that although I may have been an experienced class action lawyer and the driving force behind the class action up to that point, I had filed the Ocwen lawsuit as a PLAINTIFF and NOT as a LAWYER (although I am very much one), and my opposition to a quick settlement which would not be in the best interests of the class but which could enrich the class action lawyers and let Ocwen off the hook made me more or less a pariah to everyone there.The Court record in Chicago makes clear the reasons we REJECTED being part of the Plaintiffs' Executive Committee (something lawyers FIGHT for, because being on the plaintiffs' leadership team means handsome compensation at the end of the day when there is a settlement).IF you are disappointed because you misread the Hanson lawsuit's Civil RICO reference to mean that somehow we had slapped Ocwen with criminal charges, that is not my doing. What the FBI does (or does not do) with evidence of criminal wrongdoing forwarded to it by me, Marlene, and countess other victims is up to the FBI, OTS, HUD, IRS, FTC and other alphabet soup agencies, but do not paint a bogus portrait of me simply because perhaps I no longer have the time or desire to send you private emails day-by-day, or because your pet RICO charge may have been sidelined by the class action leadership which emerged out of Chicago after the MDL transfer.NOTHING subtsantive has changed, as far as I KNOW, since we went to Chicago. The case is marking time there (as it did to some extent in Hartford) while the lawyers on both sides 'talk'. In due course, the rest of us victims will know what the outcome of those 'discussions' is, and if anyone does NOT like it he or she is free (as in the Fairbanks case) to opt out, or appeal. You already have my private emails in which I spelled out what MY reaction would be if a settlement occurred that I perceived as not doing justice to the victims such as Shirley whose house was stolen from under her in Georgia, and what my recommendation would be in my posts at that time in this and other fora.For you to have known specifically the myriad reasons for my silence and self-restraint on these boards because I kept you informed although I had no obligation, and then to ask publicly 'is he [Kweku] dead? Is he sick?' etc., so as to create an impression that somehow I was hiding behind some facade was an almost unpardonable offense. Now, your response to Alice's post shows your true colors.Giving credit where credit is due, you happened upon this cause and adopted it and posted helter-skleter, helping encourage the frazzled victims. However, you were NEVER aboard the victims' bus because you were never victimized by Ocwen or another mortgage servicing entity. Therefore, you had no ticket to ride my 'imaginary' bus. You were NOT my co-pilot, so you cannot espouse from the great well of your profound knowledge that somehow I have turned a bus around and am misleading folk. That is an almost slanderous insult that I cannot let stand unanswered, even if it means breaking my pledge not to be baited into foolish distractions which in the end do nothing to benefit the real victims.I am NOT God or a god. I am NOT the federal judge. I am NOT (officially, anyways) even one of the plaintiff's class counsel (as I made clear to almost every victim in the over 4,500 emails I had to write/reply to since July, 2002). I cannot, and will not, be the Miller or his son who carried their mule until it struggled and fell in the river simply because folk criticized the Miller for riding and resting while his poor son walked, then scolded the son for riding while his old man walked, then criticized them both for cruelly overburdening the donkey by mounting it at the same time, until profoundly embarrased, they decided to carry it instead to deflect criticism. I am NOt in this quest to win brownie points.IF you are so prescient as to discern by osmosis that I have made a U-turn and am misleading folk, congratulations! I did NOT solicit Affidavits. What I have steadfastly stated in thousands of email replies to folk who find out about the Hanson lawsuit in the search engines is that IF folks elect to send me something, they MUST send it under oath, to thwart 'fake victims' derailing our ability to prove the numerousity prong of a Federal Rule 23(a) class action, and to prevent Ocwen from deposing everyone whose emails we get (who would pay my cost of attending all those depostions nationwide, if we had not demanded affidavits to make such depositions futile?).I have NOT ever told anyone that UNLESS they send an affidavit they cannot be part of the class. Indeed, I have taken pains to point out to many that UNLESS they send in stuff to help prove that we are numerous victims, we may never get a nationwide class certified. And to this day there has been no hearing on our class certification motions filed in January 2003, MEANING EVERYONE IS (contrary to what Donna insinuated) FREE TO FILE THEIR OWN CASE AND TRY TO GET IT CERTIFIED! And sending me an affidavit in no way disqualifies anyone from suing Ocwen directly or in their own class action (assuming they have the resources and energy to take on Ocwen while fending off foreclosure of their own home).Have the LAST word, Robin, as my time is better invested focusing on work that benefits the real victims as opposed to responding to a never-ending cycle of ever-more pointless prevarications.Kweku Hanson

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