Saturday, April 5, 2008

I was contacted yesterday by Ocwen.

I was contacted yesterday by Ocwen. The number that showed up on my caller ID was from Orlando, FL. I re-dialed that number and it claims that number is not in service. The same number called me today and it was a recording to tell me to stay on the line. A minute or so later a man from India started asking me questions. He had my previous name prior to marriage and told me I owed them 1500.00 from 18 years ago. I told him I never had a credit card back in 1989 ( I was in high school) he said it was a loan. Well obviously, I never had one of those either I told him. He kept asking me to verify my SS#, which I would not. He didn't even have my married name, my actual address. He did have my birthdate correct, which I told him he can get from in the internet. This is a SCAM! He told me if I would give him my email address that he would send me over this bill. Told him no to that too. I told him if I owed money on a credit card or loan it would have showed up on my credit report for years, which it didn't. I know I had never had either of these things at the age of 18! I would be VERY weary about accepting these calls. I then told him that I wasn't going to give him any information on me, he then said... Are you refusing to pay this bill? Couldn't believe it. I then did a google search for Ocwen and all it talks about is fraud and scams!
Caller ID: 4072491572
Caller: Ocwen financial
Caller Type: Collection Agency


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check out that link looks like Ocwen into all types of fraud, keeping those people in India busy! When their not busy calling on fake, fraudulent fees on someone’s mortgage they are making up other fake charges on 14 year olds! Come US Government SHIT DOWN OCWEN and put their executives in PRISION!!!!