Sunday, August 3, 2008

Ocwen Federal Bank Ex-employee Perspective on Ripoffs.....willing to help in any way...they are scamsters...FINISH 'EM

Hi names' ex-employee of OCWEN India.......well i worked with ocwen for a lon time...abt 2 years........thats when i came to know abt the scams that were runnin within the organization.....i tried.....(in my meagre capacity) to let my voice be heard ad stop the fraudulent over-charging of innocent borrowers.......i even took it to one of the board meetings.....but what i got out of that is i lost my job....fired on grounds of IMMORALITY......and was left with word in the industry ensuring that i got no other jobs.....Regardless....i know and have insider info on ocwens practices and frauds....please let me know how i can help.....BRING DOWN THE 'BAD FOX.......'
RickyOrlando, FloridaU.S.A.


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