Monday, February 4, 2008

Ocwen Loan Servicing, Forcefully pushing me out of my home Orlando Florida


Ocwen has pushed me to my limits, calling and harassing me. Not trying to help me at all. I called them several times wanting the proper forms to sell the house or get a loan modification for the house, they never responded until 4 months and 4 payments behind latter. To pacify me when I call they would lie and say the paper work was in the mail or they'd say we emailed it to you. I had to go thru that for months. They accepted a refinance loan from my very ill mother (who past in Nov of 2007) over the phone and that is illegal. My mother was a victim of predatory lending. Because she refinanced in 2006 I don't know if there is anything we can do about it. They appraised our home for far much more than it was worth at $115K and it is only worth $70K. My mother died thinking that she refinanced out of an adjustable into a fixed however that was not the case she actually has another adjustable on top of that it is interest only. There was no contract just a verbal agreement. I am so angry how could they get away with this.Jackiecincinnati, OhioU.S.A.

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